Basic Research of Industrial Mathematics
In the 21st century, the new industrial sector of geoengineering and bioengineering have emerged from basic natural sciences. In line with such trends, efforts to identify a new role of the mathematical sciences in the future industry are in certain need. NIMS has been carrying out a number of joint and collaborative research projects in various fields of science and technology to secure the mathematical foundations of future industrial sectors associated with the basic sciences and the public sector.
Uncertainty Analysis of Numerical Ice-Sheet Models
- Mathematical comparison and verification of the strong and weak points of ice-sheet dynamics models based on methods of quantifying uncertainty
- Parameterization of physical processes using deep learning and initialization of ice sheet behavior using inverse problems and data assimilation
- Development of an ice-sheet separation phenomenon calculating ice-sheet model module that considers oceanic effects
- Effects of global climate change and the correlations between ice-sheet melting and rising sea-levels
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Mega Science Research
- Deep learning applications to the data analysis of LIGO gravitational-wave detector data, an International Mega Science Project
- Research of data analysis methods and the mitigation of gravity gradient noise during next generation gravitational-wave observation experiments
- Mitigation methods of low-frequency band seismic noise including application of metamaterials and feasibility study on earthquake early detection using gravity change signal
- Development of non-linear correlation catching algorithms for the detection of anomaly and noise source of time series data
- Scientific research on gravitational-wave through international collaboration with KAGRA, Virgo, LIGO and research institutions and universities in Korea
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Development of High-Speed Public-Key Cryptographic Algorithms based on Mathematical Hard Problems
- Security analysis of public-key cryptographic algorithms based on various mathematical hard problems
- Design of new cryptographic algorithms, their security analysis against algebraic attacks and optimal implementations on resource-constrained IoT devices
- Security analysis of public-key cryptographic algorithms against side-channel attacks and study on their countermeasures
- Applications of the public-key cryptographic algorithms to device authentication and Blockchain
- Design of privacy-preserving protocols based on the cryptographic algorithms with anonymity, unlinkability and traceability
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Basic Research of Industrial Mathematics
Hwang, Dong Wook
Tel. 042-717-5720