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President's Message

최윤성 원장님 최윤성 원장님
We aim to develop the core role of mathematics in driving scientific and industrial advancements, ultimately contributing to the lives of the people.

The National Institute of Mathematical Sciences(NIMS) is
a leading research institute of mathematical sciences in Korea.

The 21st century can be called the era of the 4th or even 5th industrial revolution, as science, technology, and industry are advancing at an extremely rapid pace. Recently, artificial intelligence has been developed to an unprecedented level through high-dimensional machine learning techniques, significantly impacting almost every industrial sector. The bioindustry, which enhances human life, is achieving groundbreaking results in disease treatment and prevention, as well as new drug development, through research and development that integrates the latest biotechnology.

Industrial mathematics has played a central role in developing the essential theories needed in each rapidly advancing industrial sector. NIMS has been at the forefront of industrial mathematics, identifying and solving mathematical problems in both the industrial and public sectors.

We strive to give back to society by applying the research outcomes derived from this process. Moving forward, we will do our best to maximize mathematical problem-solving capabilities and make a direct contribution to the nation and society.

NIMS will do its best to bring together the capabilities and commitment of all members to expand the role of mathematics and contribute to the lives of the people.

국가수리과학연구소 소장 최윤성