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센서네트워크 기술 개발과 생태계 문제에의 적용 미니 워크샵

2010-06-22 ~ 2010-06-23 |태안 휴먼발리

1.일시, 장소 -일시 : 2010년 6월 22일~23일(1박2일) -장소 : 태안 휴먼발리 2.추진경위 및 내용 -새로운 과제발굴과 차년도 프론티어 사업 준비를 위한 논의 -공동연구에 대한 성과 발표 및 평가 3.예정참석자(15명) -조직위원 : 이상희박사, 김대열박사 센서네트워크 기술 개발과 생태계 문제에의 적용 미니 워크샵



International Conference of 2nd Hydrology delivers Earth System Science to Society


2010-06-22 ~ 2010-06-25 |University of Tokyo

Purposes and Objectives During the 1st HESSS at 2007, we had attempted to ascertain the gaps between the needs of society and the services of hydrology community. Estimation and reduction of uncertainty in simulations were indentified as key leverage points along with an appropriate use of observational datasets in validation and data assimilation. The 2nd HESSS international conference brings three unique communities together to bridge such gaps with a shared vision of a sustainable and desirable world. Our objective is to establish practical protocols and frameworks to promote more effective collaborations among the research communities of hydrological modeling, field observations, remote sensing in the context of sustainability science. To highlight the core issues, values and implications, all the sessions consist of stimulating keynote speeches and panel discussions by leading scientists and enthusiastic young researchers. As a true test bed for community level collaboration, new frameworks such as the Global Soil Wetness Project phase 3 (GSWP3) and HydroEastAsia will be launched as the outcome of the conference. We invite you to join us and contribute oral or poster presentations and to discussions. The natural environmental condition, such as precipitation, air temperature, humidity and radiation, varies continuously with a wide spectrum of temporal scales from seconds to years and decades. Such variations are subject to slow and fast changes of solar radiation, passages of a front and pressure systems, and frequency of precipitation. In the Asian region, the monsoon system is driving temporal variability in the natural environment and consequently it makes impact on carbon and water cycles on from local, regional to continental and global scales. Terrestrial ecosystems in Asia cover wide spectrum of biomes and climate zones and represent many vegetation types. In particular, due to rapid changes of land cover and large population pressure for economic growth, the carbon and water cycles of the terrestrial ecosystems in Asia have undergone dramatic changes over the past several decades, leading to potentially significant influences on global climate change. Under future global warming scenario, seasonal precipitation cycle can be amplified in the Asian region. There is, however, the lack of our understanding on the interplay between the Asian monsoon and terrestrial carbon and water exchanges that hinders us from better understanding of carbon and water cycles and its impact on climate change. Using the ecosystem models, my presentation will briefly discuss major challenges in modeling ecosystem carbon and water exchanges in Monsoon Asia and their interplay with the Asian monsoon.



2010 NIMS School "Computational methods in bioscience"


2010-06-21 ~ 2010-06-25 |서울대학교

강의 : 월-금, 매일 4교시(240분) 1교시(10:30 - 11:30) : Laplace transform method for parabolic problems, 신동우 (서울대학교) 2교시(13:00 - 14:00) : Computational method to solve Poisson Boltzmann equation, Michael Mascagni (Florida State University) 3교시(14:20 - 15:20) : Understanding biomolecular solvations, Nathan Baker (Washington University) 4교시(15:40 - 16:40) : Gaussian distribution, Brownian motion and random walk, 김인찬 (군산대학교) 국내의 관련 분야 전문가들과 함께, 기초에서 응용까지의 전개 및 연구과정을 소개하고, 우리 학생들의 이 분야에 대한 연구 관심을 증대



2010 NIMS Summer School "Stochastic/Multiscale Methods and their Applications"

김인찬, 황치옥

2010-06-17 ~ 2010-06-25 |숭실대학교

6/17(Thu) 09:10?09:30 In Chan Kim Orientation 09:30?12:00 Chi-Ok Hwang Scientific computing and computational science 13:10?16:00 In Chan Kim Random walk and Diffusion 6/18(Fri) 09:10?11:00 Chi-Ok Hwang Monte Carlo methods and their applications 11:10-12:00 In Chan Kim Effective property of composite material 13:10?16:00 Chulung Lee Stochastic process, MDP and random walk 6/21(Mon) 09:10?12:00 Michael Mascagni Introduction to Monte Carlo method 13:10?16:00 Michael Mascagni Introduction to random number generation 6/22(Tue) 09:10?11:00 Michael Feig Solvation in general 11:10?13:00 Michael Feig Introduction to the implicit solvent method 14:10?16:00 Guowei Wei Solving the PB equation with interface techniques 6/23(Wed) 09:10?11:00 Michael Mascagni General Monte Carlo methods for PDEs 11:10?13:00 Guowei Wei Differential geometry approach to determine biomolecular surfaces 14:10?16:00 Michael Mascagni Using Monte Carlo method to solve PDEs from bioelectrostatics 6/24(Thu) 09:10?11:00 Guowei Wei Multiscale solvation model I ? Lagrangian formulation 11:10?13:00 Michael Feig Solute-solvent boundaries and heterogeneous environments 14:10?16:00 Michael Feig Empirical approximations of PB (GB etc.) 6/25(Fri) 09:10?11:00 Guowei Wei Multiscale salvation model II ? Nanofluids and biosensors 11:10?13:00 Michael Feig Applications of Implicit Solvent and practical issues with MD A major feature of biological science in the 21st century will be its transition from phenomenological and deive science to quantitative science. Revolutionary opportunities have emerged for theoretically driven advances in biological research. Rigorous, quantitative, and atomic scale deion of complex biological systems is a grand challenge. Under physiological conditions, most biological processes occur in water, which consists of 65-90% human cell weight. Explicit deion of biomolecules and their aqueous environment, including solvent, co-solutes, and mobile ions, is prohibitively expensive. Therefore, multiscale analysis is an attractive and sometimes indispensable approach. In a series of lectures, I will discuss a number of multiscale models for biomolecular systems. In Lecture One, I will discuss Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation based implicit solvent model. The PB model treats the solvent as a macroscopic continuum while admitting a microscopic atomic deion for the biomolecule. It has been widely used for electrostatic solvation analysis, pH and pKa estimation, electrostatic map, electrostatic force calculation, and molecular dynamics. The derivation of the PB equation from the free energy functional will be discussed. Electrostatic force expressions will be given. In Lecture Two, I will further discuss a mathematical interface approach for obtaining highly accurate solutions of the Poisson-Boltzmann (PB) equation. A solvent-solute interface is assumed in the implicit solvent models. Rigorous solution of the PB equation requires the enforcement of interface jump conditions. Due to the complexity of the biomolecular interfaces, it is very challenging to implement the interface jump conditions. A matched interface and boundary (MIB) method has been developed in my group to obtain second-order accurate electrostatic potentials for protein and other biomolecules. A Green function approach has also been developed to overcome the difficulty of handling singular charges in the PB model. In Lecture Three, I will introduce a differential geometry based multiscale solvation model. This model utilizes differential geometry theory of surfaces for coupling microscopic and macroscopic scales at an equal footing. The biomolcule of interest is described by discrete atomic and quantum mechanical variables. While the aquatic environment is described by continuum hydrodynamic variables. I will derive coupled geometric flow and Poisson- Boltzmann (PB) equations for describing biomolecular surfaces and electrostatic potentials, respectively. The free energies of biomolecular surface, mechanical work, solvent-solute interface and electrostatic interactions are optimized in this model. Another multiscale model includes the quantum mechanics deion of the electron density of (part of) the solute molecule in the salvation analysis. This is needed in refining charge force fields and in chemical binding analysis. Applications are considered to biomolecular solvation analysis, virus surface construction and proton transport in membrane proteins. In Lecture Four, I will discuss the two different formulations of the multiscale salvation model. One is the Eulerian formulation and the other is the Lagrangian formulation. The latter has a few utilities/advantages. First, it provides an essential basis for biomolecular visualization, surface electrostatic potential map and visual perception of biomolecules. Additionally, it is consistent with the conventional setting of implicit solvent theories and thus, many existing theoretical algorithms and computational software packages can be directly employed. Finally, the Lagrangian representation does not need to resort to artificially enlarged van der Waals radii as required by the Eulerian representation in solvation analysis. However, it may encounter difficulty in surface merging and break up. For this reason, the Eulerian formulation is used in practical computations. I will discuss inter-conversion of these two formalisms. In Lecture Five, I will introduce more differential geometry based multiscale models. One of these models is originated from microfluidic and nanofluidic systems, which require the deion of solvation, fluid flows, and molecular mechanics. We derive the coupled geometric flow equation, Navier-Stokes (NS) equation, generalized Poisson- Boltzmann (PB) equation and molecular dynamics to describe the dynamics of nanofluidic systems. Finally, we discuss models for the analysis of nano-biosensors. The Nernst-Planck equation is incorporated into our fluid- electro-and geometric systems to describe the drift and diffusion of ions over the nanopores. Applications will be discussed to protein folding, ion channels, micro/nanofluidic devices, and nano-bio sensors.



Minicoures in Cryptography and Internet Security

2010-06-16 ~ 2010-06-18 |서울대학교 상산수리과학관 강당

1. 일시, 장소 -일시:2010년 6월 16일(수)~18일(금) -장소: 서울대학교 상산수리과학관 강당 -주최: 국가수리과학연구소, NIMS-SNU 공동연구브리지, 대한수학회 암호분과 2. 목적 -암호 및 정보보호 분야의 우수한 국내외 강연자를 초청하여 암호 및 정보보호를 연구하는 대학원생, 연구자 등을 대상으로 강연 실시 -암호 및 정보보호 전공자 대상으로 암호 이론, 응용, 인터넷 보안 등에 대해 강연 실시 3. 대상 -참가예상인원(150명) 조직위원 : 권순학, 김명환, 심경아, 이인석, 이향숙, 천정희, 한동국, 한상근 초청강연 : 권순학, 권태경, 김명환, 김용대, 문수복, 심경아, 이상진, 이옥연, 이인석, 한동국, 한상근, 홍석희, 홍진 Minicoures in Cryptography and Internet Security



Minicourse in Cryptography and Internet Security


2010-06-16 ~ 2010-06-18 |서울대학교

일시: 6월 16일 (수) ~ 18일 (금) 장소: 서울대학교 상산수리과학관 강당 사전등록: bridge@nims.re.kr 기타: 자세한 프로그램은 첨부 팜플렛 참조  Minicourse in Cryptography and Internet Security
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The 5th Korea-Russia Joint Workshop on Climate Change and Variability in Eurasian Continent


2010-05-26 ~ 2010-05-28 |제주 KAL 호텔

□ 추진 배경 ○ 한․러 기상협력 약정(1999년 5월)이후 2001년부터 러시아 베이코프 중앙지구물리연구소와 국립기상연구소간 공동워크 숍 개최 ○ 지난 2007년까지 4회에 걸쳐 2년을 주기로 상호개최 - 우리나라 개최 : 2001년 1차, 2005년 3차 - 러시아 개최 : 2003년 2차, 2007년 4차 ○ 제 5차 한·러 공동 기후변화워크숍은 2010년 한·러 수교 20주년 기념행사의 일환으로 추진 - Workshop title : The 5th Korea-Russia Joint Workshop on Climate Change and Variability in Eurasian Continent □ 목적 ○ 국가간 기후변화 및 기후변동성 연구에 관한 기술정보 및 전문가 교류를 통하여 기후관련 연구협력 강화 □ 회의기간 및 장소 ○ 2010년 5월 26(수)~28(금) / 제주 KAL호텔 □ 주요내용 ○ Observations of Climate System ○ Climate and Weather extremes ○ Global and regional climate change projections ○ Detection and attribution of climate change ○ Impact and vulnerability assessment of climate change ○ Development and evaluation of climate model ○ Towards seamless prediction: from NWP to climate change projection ○ Applied meteorology including air quality and weather modification ○ Biogeochemical cycle on climate change  We examined 1) the causes of inter-model variations of surface energy partitioning (SEP) and 2) the effects of model grid size on the simulated SEP. In particular, we focus on the nonlinear effect of spatial heterogeneity in atmospheric conditions on the simulation of surface fluxes in the mesoscale model by testing their scale-invariance from a tower footprint to regional scales. The test domain was a homogeneous shortgrass prairie in the central part of the Tibetan Plateau with an eddy-covariance flux tower at the center. We found that 1) soil evaporation controls the model differences of the SEP and 2) the spatial variability resulting from changing distribution of clouds and precipitation in the model domain affected radiative forcing at the ground surface, thereby altering the partitioning of surface fluxes. Consequently, due to increasing spatial variability in atmospheric conditions, the results of the mesoscale model did not produce convergent estimates of surface fluxes with increasing grid sizes. Our finding demonstrates that an atmospheric model can underestimate surface fluxes in regional scale not necessarily due to intrinsic model inaccuracy (e.g., inaccurate parameterization) but due to scale-dependent nonlinear effect of spatial variability in atmospheric conditions.



2010 NIMS School & Hot Topics Workshop "Model Theory"


2010-05-16 ~ 2010-01-22 |연세대학교

The conference is sponsored by Yonsei University and NIMS, the National Institute of Mathematical Sciences (of South Korea). Yonsei University, where the conference will take place, is located in the heart of Seoul's Shinchon District, home to several prestigious universities, and a place full of youthful energy and culture. The conference will start from the morning of May 19th and end in the late afternoon of May 22nd. Participants will be addressed by many prominent leaders in the field. These lectures will showcase to the mathematical communities of East Asia not only the latest developments, but the general depth and versatility of model-theoretic techniques. Immediately before this conference, there is going to be a short spring school on model theory (May 16-18, 2010) held also at Yonsei University. Three leading experts (Thomas Scanlon, Akito Tsuboi, Frank O. Wagner) will deliver lectures on some of the techniques & methods used in algebraic model theory, including Hrushovski Amalgamation.



한국기상학회 (응용분과) 좌장 및 발표


2010-05-13 ~ 2010-05-14 |강릉원주대학교

한국기상학회 응용분과 We conducted a sensitivity test of Joint UK Land Environment Simulator (JULES), in which the influence of to biophysical parameters on to find influential input parameters in the simulation of gross primary productivity (GPP) and ecosystem respiration (Re) was investigated for in two typical ecosystems inof Korea. For this test, we employed the whole-year observation of Using the eddy-covariance fluxes measured in 2006observations of eddy fluxes, then we evaluated the performance of the JULES in two major plant functional types in Korea: at two KoFlux sites: (1) a deciduous forest in complex terrain in Gwangneung and (2) a farmland with heterogeneous mosaic patches in Haenam. Our analysis showed that the simulated GPP and Re were most sensitive to leaf nitrogen concentration and wood biomass parameter at for the deciduous forest canopyin Gwangneung. At For the mixed farmland in Haenamcanopy, the modeled GPP was most sensitive to soil moisture content at saturation, whereas the modeled Re was most sensitive to leaf nitrogen concentration. At both sites, the model significantly overestimated both GPP and Re when the default values of input parameters were adopted. If we cConsidering the fact that the observed leaf nitrogen concentration wais only about 60% of its default value, the significant portion of the model’s overestimation can be attributed to such a discrepancy in the contrast of input parameters. Our finding suggests demonstrates that the above-mentioned key biophysical properties of the two ecosystems should be carefully evaluated carefully xamined prior to any realistically simulation and interpretation of ecosystem carbon exchange in Korea. in validating ecosystem models.



2010 NIMS 수학문화확산사업 대중강연시리즈 II

Jeol Smoller

2010-05-03 ~ 2010-05-03 |KAIST 창의학습관

Jeol Smoller의 대중강연을 통해 뉴튼과 아인슈타인에 이르는 중력의 의미와 우주론을 이해하고 대중에게 수학에 대한 이해 를 높이고 수학문화를 확산. Jeol Smoller는 미시간대학교 수학과의 Lamberto Cesari석좌교수로 shock-wave, Navier-Stokes, reaction-diffusion, Conley Index, bifurcation 등의 분야의 발전에 지대한 공헌을 하였다. 이 공로를 인정받아 2009년 미국수학회인 AMS와 SIAM이 공동으로 수여하는 응용수학분야 Birkhoff Prize를 수상하였다. 본 강연에서는 뉴튼과 아인슈타인에 이르는 중력의 의미와 이를 통한 우주론을 강연한다.
