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국가수리과학연구소의 국제협력입니다.

국가수리과학연구소는 기반수학뿐만 아니라 학제간 연구와 산업에서 일어나는 문제해결과 연구를 촉진하여 기초과학 산업기술 발전을 도모함으로써 우리나라 과학기술과 경제발전에 기여함을 목표로 합니다.

NIMS, RIMS, Academia Sinica, VIASM & IMH, IMS, MFO, MSRI, IMA, French Tech Hub Seoul와 국제협력을 맺었습니다.
국제협력을 하고 있는 기관, 국가, 서명일, 협력내용을 분류하여 정리한 표입니다.
기관 국가 서명일 협력내용
French Tech Hub Seoul 프랑스 2016-03-03 1.Enhancing dynamisam of the collaboration and eventually promote development of French and Korean Startups.
2. Invitation to the launching event of the French Tech Hub Seoul on March 24th 2016.(http://www.frenchtechseoul.com/)
(VIASM) Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics
(IMH) Institute of Mathematics Hanoi
베트남 2014-08-15 1. Cooperative and joint research activities
2. Exchange of researchers of each institutes
(IMS) The Institute for Mathematical Sciences 싱가포르 2014-08-16 1. Cooperative and joint research activities
2. Exchange of researchers of each institutes
(MFO) Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach 독일 2014-02-21 1. Produce and co-ordinate NIMS-IMAGINARY
2. Offer technical know-how of MFO
(IMA) Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 미국 2014-01-21 1. Participating Institution of IMA
2. Support NIMS researchers participating IMA Summer Graduate Student Program
3. Co-organize IMA-NIMS Joint Workshop
(MSRI) The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute 미국 2014-01-08 1. Support NIMS researchers participating MSRI Summer Graduate Workshop
2. Co-organize MSRI-NIMS Summer School
Korean Gravitational Wave Group(KGWG)- KISTI-NIMS-LIGO - 2009-09-25 1. Collaboration
2. Participation
(NIMS: Computing & Software(Heejoon Hong, Taeyoung Ha)/ Development of mathematical theory and/or alogorithm for signal processing and sampling) 3. Resource Sharing
4. Coordination and Reporting
5. Computer Code
Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica 대만 2008-02-26 1. Cooperative and joint research activities on mathematical sciences.
2. Exchange of researchers with the purpose of lecturing, conducting seminars, and engaging in workshops and ressearch
3. Exchange of publications and information(reports, scientific documents, papers, books and etc.)
4. Participation in and joint organization of international conferences related to mathematical sciences.
5. Preparation of proposals for joint research pojects.

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컨텐츠담당자     정한영 042-828-5865     최종수정일 2024-06-20