[SCIE]An operator splitting method for the Cahn?Hilliard equation on nonuniform grids
[SCIE]Cryptanalysis of Compact Certificateless Aggregate Signature Schemes for HWMSNs and VANETs
[SCIE]Security Analysis of Reusing Vinegar Values in UOV Signature Scheme
[SCIE]Nonlinear ill-posed problem in low-dose dental cone-beam computed tomography
[SCIE]Automatic 3D Registration of Dental CBCT and Face Scan Data using 2D Projection Images
[SCIE]A Secure Certificateless Signature Scheme for Cloud- Assisted Industrial IoT
[SCIE]On the Suitability of Post-Quantum Signature Schemes for Internet of Things
[비SCIE]짝지어진 데이터셋을 이용한 분할-정복 U-net 기반 고화질 초음파 영상 복원
[SCIE]Unified spatio-temporal attention mixformer for visual object tracking