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Exploring the role of loop tunnels in enhancing termite food transport efficiency: A simulation approach

등록일자 :


  • 저자박철민,이상희
  • 학술지Heliyon (2405-8440), 10(6), e28417 ~ -
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20240330
Subterranean termites construct a network of tunnels beneath the ground, comprising a main tunnel and branch tunnels. While termites do not construct tunnels that turn back in a “U” shape, the intersection of main and branch tunnels often forms closed curved structures (a loop). The loop structure can have either a positive or negative effect on the transport efficiency of termites in food transportation. However, little research has been conducted on the impact of loop tunnels on transport efficiency (E) due to the technical difficulties associated with direct observation. In this study, we used an individual-based model to simulate termite behavior during food trans portation within a tunnel composed of a main tunnel and a loop tunnel.

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