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Probing light fermiophobic Higgs boson via diphoton jets at the HL-LHC

등록일자 :


  • 저자Daohan Wang,Jeonghyeon Song,Jinheung Kim,Prasenjit Sanyal,Soojin Lee,조진환
  • 학술지Physical Review D (2470-0010), 109, 015017-1 ~ 015017-23
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20240119
In this study, we explore the phenomenological signatures associated with a light fermiophobic Higgs boson, $h_f$, within the type-I two-Higgs-doublet model at the HL-LHC. Our meticulous parameter scan illuminates an intriguing mass range for $m_{h_f}$, spanning [1,10] GeV. This mass range owes its viability to substantial parameter points, largely due to the inherent challenges of detecting the soft decay products of $h_f$ at contemporary high-energy colliders. Given that this light hf ensures $Br(h_f\to\gamma\gamm)\simeq1$, $Br(H^\pm\to h_fW^\pm)\simeq1$, and $M_{H^\pm}?330 GeV$, we propose a golden discovery channel: $pp\to h_fH^\pm\to\gamma\gamma\gamma\gamm l^\pm\nu$, where $l^\pm$includes $e^\pm$ and $\mu^\pm$. However, a significant obstacle arises as the two photons from the $h_f$ decay mostly merge into a single jet due to their proximity within $\Delta R<0.4$. (Skip)

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