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Nonconvex Constrained Minimization for 3D Left Ventricular Shape Recovery Using 2D Echocardiography Data


  • 저자Sangwoon Yun,안치영
  • 학술지East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (2079-7362), 12(1), 111 ~ 124
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20220201
A mathematical model in the form of a nonconvex constrained minimisation problem, aimed to determine the 3D position of LV contours using 2D echocardiography data for the entire cardiac cycle is proposed. It can be considered as a quadratically constrained quadratic program in terms of one of four variables with the others fixed. The model is solved by a proximal block coordinate descent method with cyclic order and the convergence of the algorithm is proved by using the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property.

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