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Effects of data quality vetoes on a search for compact binary coalescences in Advanced LIGO's first observing run

등록일자 :


  • 저자B P Abbott et al,C Adams,F Acernese,K Ackley,M R Abernathy,R Abbott,T Adams,T D Abbott,손재주,오상훈,오정근
  • 학술지Classical and Quantum Gravity (0264-9381), 35(6), 065010-1 ~ 065010-26
  • 등재유형SCI
  • 게재일자 20180214
The first observing run of Advanced LIGO spanned 4 months, from 12 September 2015 to 19 January 2016, during which gravitational waves were directly detected from two binary black hole systems, namely GW150914 and GW151226. Confident detection of gravitational waves requires an understanding of instrumental transients and artifacts that can reduce the sensitivity of a search. Studies of the quality of the detector data yield insights into the cause of instrumental artifacts and data quality vetoes specific to a search are produced to mitigate the effects of problematic data. In this paper, the systematic removal of noisy data from analysis time is shown to improve the sensitivity of searches for compact binary coalescences.

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