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Korea's social dynamics towards power supply and air pollution caused by electric vehicle diffusion

등록일자 :


  • 저자Leo Kim,Sang-Jin Ahn,권오규
  • 학술지Journal of cleaner production (0959-6526), 205, 1042 ~ 1068
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20181220
Korea has the highest air pollution among the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. Since the recent environmental analysis (Kim et al., 2017) reported the feasibility of replacing taxis with electric vehicles (EVs) in metropolitan cities from a ‘tank-to-wheel’ emission perspective, various stakeholders have attempted to reduce air pollution by activating the EV market in Korea in accordance with international trends. Nevertheless, no holistic study has yet been published on the nationwide changes in air quality caused by EV diffusion from the perspective of ‘well-to-wheel’ emissions. This paper presents the results of estimating the stability of the electric power supply and fine particulate matter emissions in some cases, and the results of examining the structure of public discourse using big social media data.

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