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A Stable and Convergent Hodge Decomposition Method for Fluid?Solid Interaction

등록일자 :


  • 저자Chohong Min,Seick Kim,윤강준
  • 학술지Journal of Scientific Computing (0885-7474), 76(2), 727 ~ 758
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20180801
Fluid?solid interaction has been a challenging subject due to their strong nonlinearity and multidisciplinary nature. Many of the numerical methods for solving FSI problems have struggled with non-convergence and numerical instability. In spite of comprehensive studies, it has still been a challenge to develop a method that guarantees both convergence and stability. Our discussion in this work is restricted to the interaction of viscous incompressible fluid flow and a rigid body. We take the monolithic approach by Gibou and Min (J Comput Phys 231:3245?3263, 2012) that results in an augmented Hodge projection. The projection updates not only the fluid vector field but also the solid velocities.

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