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Visual object tracking using structured sparse PCA-based appearance representation and online learning

등록일자 :


  • 저자Hyeong Jae Hwang,Sang Min Yoon,윤강준
  • 학술지SENSORS (1424-8220), 18(10), 3513 ~ 3532
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20181018
Visual object tracking is a fundamental research area in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition because it can be utilized by various intelligent systems. However, visual object tracking faces various challenging issues because tracking is influenced by illumination change, pose change, partial occlusion and background clutter. Sparse representation-based appearance modeling and dictionary learning that optimize tracking history have been proposed as one possible solution to overcome the problems of visual object tracking. However, there are limitations in representing high dimensional deors using the standard sparse representation approach.

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