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Dynamics of Predators and Prey with Hunting and Escaping Activities in a Landscape with Prey Refuge

등록일자 :


  • 저자이상희
  • 학술지Journal of the Korean Physical Society (0374-4884), 72(4), 533 ~ 538
  • 등재유형SCI
  • 게재일자 20180201
In this study, I constructed an agent-based model to simulate an integrative predator (wolf) -prey (rabbit) -plant (grass) relationship. When a wolf (rabbit) encountered a rabbit (grass), the wolf (rabbit) tended to move to the rabbit (grass) for hunting while the rabbit tended to escape from the wolf. These behaviors were characterized as the degrees of willingness for hunting (H w for the wolf and H r for the rabbit) and for escaping (E for the rabbit). I distributed prey refuges (with density N) in the grid space.

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