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Simulation Study to Determine Why Only Some Termites Are Active During Tunneling Activity

등록일자 :


  • 저자송학수,이상희
  • 학술지Entomological Science (1343-8786), 21, 185 ~ 192
  • 등재유형SCIE
  • 게재일자 20180103
It has been known that some termites are responsible for tunnel excavation for foraging, while others are not involved in the excavation. The biological reason for this is that the resting termites are a backup for the termites that have used up their energy in the tunneling activity. In this study, we build an agent-based model (ABM) wherein agents (simulated termites) follow simple rules that govern their behavior. In this model, the agents are endowed with a directional vector that has been shown to exist in real termites, but they do not communicate through pheromonal or physical marking of excavation sites.

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