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Some Symmetric Identities On Higher Order q-Euler Polynomials And Multivariate p-adic Fermionic q-integral On Zp


  • 저자Daeyeoul Kim (Minsoo Kim)
  • 학술지Applied Mathematics and Computation 221
  • 등재유형
  • 게재일자(2013)

In this paper we derive some identities of symmetry related to higher order q-Euler polynomials by using the multivariate fermionic p-adic q-integral on Zp . Furthermore, some of these identities are also related to the q-analogue of the alternating power sums and the multiplication theorem.

In this paper we derive some identities of symmetry related to higher order q-Euler polynomials by using the multivariate fermionic p-adic q-integral on Zp . Furthermore, some of these identities are also related to the q-analogue of the alternating power sums and the multiplication theorem.

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