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Scholarship Event


Recent development of conservation laws and mathematical fluid dynamics

  • Date  2015-03-25 ~ 2015-03-27
  • Place  CAMP
We plan to bring international researchers together to discuss recent developments in the theory of equations that arise as models for fluid motion. A particular focus of the conversation will be on models that feature non-local operators. The discussion is envisioned to deal with fundamental issues of local existence and regularity, but interest will devolve more to issues of singularity formation. Issues of this sort have seen sustained effort in the last decade or so, both by theoretical means and using numerical simulations. The research in this area has been carried on by groups that have largely focused upon only one type of equation. Considering the progress that has been made as well as the recalcitrance of some of the open issues, it seems timely to bring together successful workers on the various equations of fluid motion for an extended discussion of issues and methods. Especially mixing people who are numerically based with theoreticians seems propitious. More detailed commentary concerning the various perspectives we intend to embrace now follows.
We plan to bring international researchers together to discuss recent developments in the theory of equations that arise as models for fluid motion. A particular focus of the conversation will be on models that feature non-local operators. The discussion is envisioned to deal with fundamental issues of local existence and regularity, but interest will devolve more to issues of singularity formation. Issues of this sort have seen sustained effort in the last decade or so, both by theoretical means and using numerical simulations. The research in this area has been carried on by groups that have largely focused upon only one type of equation. Considering the progress that has been made as well as the recalcitrance of some of the open issues, it seems timely to bring together successful workers on the various equations of fluid motion for an extended discussion of issues and methods. Especially mixing people who are numerically based with theoreticians seems propitious. More detailed commentary concerning the various perspectives we intend to embrace now follows.