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GWTC-2.1: Deep extended catalog of compact binary coalescences observed by LIGO and Virgo during the first half of the third observing run


  • AuthorR. Abbott et al.,김환선,손재주,오정근
  • JournalPhysical Review D (2470-0010), 109(2), 022001 ~ -
  • Enrollment typeSCIE
  • publication date 20240105
The second Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog, GWTC-2, reported on 39 compact binary coalescences observed by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors between 1 April 2019 15?00 UTC and 1 October 2019 15?00 UTC. Here, we present GWTC-2.1, which reports on a deeper list of candidate events observed over the same period.