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2009 NIMS Hot Topics Workshop on KineticTheory and Fluid Dynamics

등록일자 : 2009-07-02
  • 발표자  하승열
  • 기간  2009-10-19 ~ 2009-10-24
  • 장소  서울대학교
Date: October 19th - 21st, 2009 (Short courses)
October 22nd - 24th, 2009 (Workshop)
Place: Department of Mathematical Sciences (Short courses),
Sangsan Mathematical Science Building #101, Seoul National University, Korea (Workshop)
Sponsors: SNU BK21-Mathematical Sciences
Contents: Short courses, informal discussions, Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics
Date: October 19th - 21st, 2009 (Short courses)
October 22nd - 24th, 2009 (Workshop)
Place: Department of Mathematical Sciences (Short courses),
Sangsan Mathematical Science Building #101, Seoul National University, Korea (Workshop)
Sponsors: SNU BK21-Mathematical Sciences
Contents: Short courses, informal discussions, Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Fluid Dynamics

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