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ICIM 연구교류 세미나(10.20.금)

등록일자 : 2023-10-10


  • 발표자  천성우 교수(고려대학교 세종캠퍼스)
  • 개최일시  2023-10-20 10:30-12:30
  • 장소  국가수리과학연구소 산업수학혁신센터(판교)
  1. 일시: 2023년 10월 20일(금), 10:30-12:30

  2. 장소: 판교 테크노밸리 산업수학혁신센터 세미나실

    • 경기 성남시 수정구 대왕판교로 815, 기업지원허브 231호 국가수리과학연구소
    • 무료주차는 2시간 지원됩니다.
  3. 발표자:천성우 교수(고려대학교 세종캠퍼스)

  4. 주요내용: A Human-like Neural Tactile Sensing and Perception System

The human finger is the most sensitive tactile sensor, and the engineering realization of human tactile perception mechanism is a key technology of the future virtual reality world in which the tactile sense is synchronized. Human skin can detect physical stimuli including pressure and vibration sensitively and selectively through different types of cutaneous mechanoreceptors. In biological sensory systems, tactile stimuli are converted to action potentials through somatosensory transduction and the resulting signals are transmitted via afferent nerves. While slow adaptive (SA) mechanoreceptors generate voltage spikes in different rates and patterns depending on the strength of the sustained stimulus such as static pressure, fast adaptive (FA) mechanoreceptors generate most voltage spikes at initial contact and final release of physical stimuli due to their vibration-sensitive characteristics. These signals are delivered separately, and then integrated for multi-level information on tactile perception in the brain. There have been attempts to mimic the complex human tactile perception systems and implement them engineeringly, however, constructing such systems with human-like capabilities remains challenging. In this talk, I will introduce a method for designing a tactile sensor that mimics the function of human tactile mechanoreceptors and discuss a core idea for mechanically or electrically stimulating the skin to deliver realistic tactile information to the central nervous system. Finally, I will suggest that authoring tactile signals for each object is essential for implementing tactile interfaces in electronic communication devices.

*유튜브 스트리밍 예정입니다.

  1. 일시: 2023년 10월 20일(금), 10:30-12:30

  2. 장소: 판교 테크노밸리 산업수학혁신센터 세미나실

    • 경기 성남시 수정구 대왕판교로 815, 기업지원허브 231호 국가수리과학연구소
    • 무료주차는 2시간 지원됩니다.
  3. 발표자:천성우 교수(고려대학교 세종캠퍼스)

  4. 주요내용: A Human-like Neural Tactile Sensing and Perception System

The human finger is the most sensitive tactile sensor, and the engineering realization of human tactile perception mechanism is a key technology of the future virtual reality world in which the tactile sense is synchronized. Human skin can detect physical stimuli including pressure and vibration sensitively and selectively through different types of cutaneous mechanoreceptors. In biological sensory systems, tactile stimuli are converted to action potentials through somatosensory transduction and the resulting signals are transmitted via afferent nerves. While slow adaptive (SA) mechanoreceptors generate voltage spikes in different rates and patterns depending on the strength of the sustained stimulus such as static pressure, fast adaptive (FA) mechanoreceptors generate most voltage spikes at initial contact and final release of physical stimuli due to their vibration-sensitive characteristics. These signals are delivered separately, and then integrated for multi-level information on tactile perception in the brain. There have been attempts to mimic the complex human tactile perception systems and implement them engineeringly, however, constructing such systems with human-like capabilities remains challenging. In this talk, I will introduce a method for designing a tactile sensor that mimics the function of human tactile mechanoreceptors and discuss a core idea for mechanically or electrically stimulating the skin to deliver realistic tactile information to the central nervous system. Finally, I will suggest that authoring tactile signals for each object is essential for implementing tactile interfaces in electronic communication devices.

*유튜브 스트리밍 예정입니다.

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