Korea PDE School #7
□ 일시: 2017.01.16. ~ 2017.01.20.
□ 장소: NIMS, Daejeon, Korea
□ 주제: Mathematical theory in Biology and Harmonic analysis
□ 세부 일정 등 관련 링크 : http://amath.kaist.ac.kr/pdeschool2017/
2017 NIMS Winter Scool
Korea PDE Winter Scool #7
Topics: Mathematical theory in Biology and Harmonic Analysis
Date: Jan 16 ~ 20 2017
Place: NIMS, Daejeon, Korea
Korea PDE School #7
□ 일시: 2017.01.16. ~ 2017.01.20.
□ 장소: NIMS, Daejeon, Korea
□ 주제: Mathematical theory in Biology and Harmonic analysis
□ 세부 일정 등 관련 링크 : http://amath.kaist.ac.kr/pdeschool2017/
2017 NIMS Winter Scool
Korea PDE Winter Scool #7
Topics: Mathematical theory in Biology and Harmonic Analysis
Date: Jan 16 ~ 20 2017
Place: NIMS, Daejeon, Korea