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Introduction to hyperrings and hyperfields

등록일자 : 2016-06-13
  • 발표자  전재웅 교수 (State University of New York at Binghamton)
  • 개최일시  2016-06-15 16:00

NIMS Post-doc 세미나

□ 연사:  전재웅 교수(State University of New York at Binghamton)

□ 일시: 2016년 6월 15일(수) 오후4시

□ 장소: 국가수리과학연구소 연구교류센터 중형세미나실

 제목: Introduction to hyperrings and hyperfields

초록: Hyperrings and hyperfields are algebraic structures which generalize the classical commutative rings and fields. In this talk, we aim to introduce these rather exotic structures and illustrate many examples. We also discuss how hyperrings and hyperfields show up and fit into the classical theory, in particular, algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

NIMS Post-doc 세미나

□ 연사:  전재웅 교수(State University of New York at Binghamton)

□ 일시: 2016년 6월 15일(수) 오후4시

□ 장소: 국가수리과학연구소 연구교류센터 중형세미나실

 제목: Introduction to hyperrings and hyperfields

초록: Hyperrings and hyperfields are algebraic structures which generalize the classical commutative rings and fields. In this talk, we aim to introduce these rather exotic structures and illustrate many examples. We also discuss how hyperrings and hyperfields show up and fit into the classical theory, in particular, algebraic geometry and combinatorics.

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