NIMS 콜로퀴움
Navigating the Flow: The homing of sea turtles
- 연사: Thomas Hillen (University of Alberta, Canada)
- 일시: 2016년 4월 28일(목) 16시 30분
- 장소: 국가수리과학연구소 연구교류센터(CAMP) 대형세미나실
- The green sea turtle Chelonia midas travels for thousands of miles from the coast of Brazil to a small island in the Atlantic Ocean, Ascension Island. There the turtles lay their eggs into the warm sand on the beach. It is a classic scientific challenge to understand the navigational skills of the turtles and several orienteering mechanisms are discussed, such as geomagnetic information, chemotaxis, atlantic flow patterns etc.
In this talk I will present a mathematical model for the homing of sea turtles and
discuss how it can be used to identify the navigational mechanisms of sea turtles.
(joint work with K.J. Painter).