NIMS 콜로퀴움
An Introduction to Industrial Mathematics
▩ Industrial mathematics is a term used to describe a broad range of applied mathematics topics, with the common factor that the work is motivated by some problem of practical interest. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to industrial mathematics and then illustrate it with three more detailed examples.
▩ Football motion through the air. This project came from a question posed by a South African premiership team. Simply put the question was, can we choose a football that will disadvantage a visiting team. The answer was yes and the teams results improved significantly after this work was completed.
▩ Phase change. The mathematical deion of the change of phase of a substance, for example from liquid to solid, is well established. However, in certain situations the standard formulations break down. I will describe our recent work on the melting of nanoparticles and solidification of a supercooled liquid.
▩ Flow in carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are viewed as one of the most exciting new materials with applications in electronics, optics, materials science and architecture. One unusual property is that liquid flows through nanotubes have been observed up to five orders of magnitude faster than predicted by classical fluid dynamics. I will describe a model for fluid flow in a CNT and show that the theoretical limit is closer to 50 times the classical value. This result is in keeping with later experimental and molecular dynamics papers.
NIMS 콜로퀴움
An Introduction to Industrial Mathematics
▩ Industrial mathematics is a term used to describe a broad range of applied mathematics topics, with the common factor that the work is motivated by some problem of practical interest. In this talk I will give a brief introduction to industrial mathematics and then illustrate it with three more detailed examples.
▩ Football motion through the air. This project came from a question posed by a South African premiership team. Simply put the question was, can we choose a football that will disadvantage a visiting team. The answer was yes and the teams results improved significantly after this work was completed.
▩ Phase change. The mathematical deion of the change of phase of a substance, for example from liquid to solid, is well established. However, in certain situations the standard formulations break down. I will describe our recent work on the melting of nanoparticles and solidification of a supercooled liquid.
▩ Flow in carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotubes are viewed as one of the most exciting new materials with applications in electronics, optics, materials science and architecture. One unusual property is that liquid flows through nanotubes have been observed up to five orders of magnitude faster than predicted by classical fluid dynamics. I will describe a model for fluid flow in a CNT and show that the theoretical limit is closer to 50 times the classical value. This result is in keeping with later experimental and molecular dynamics papers.