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Combinatorics around two extensions of Hermite polynomials

등록일자 : 2015-06-10
  • 발표자  Jiang Zeng(Universite Claude Bernard Lyon-I)
  • 기간  2015-06-18 ~

NIMS 콜로퀴움

연사: Jiang Zeng(Universit&eae; Claude Bernard Lyon-I)

일시: 2015년 6월 18일(목)

장소: 국가수리과학연구소 CAMP 중형세미나실

Title: Combinatorics around two extensions of Hermite polynomials

We will highlight two examples of the interplay of combinatorics and
orthogonal polynomials by considering two recent one-parameter extensions of Hermite polynomials:
a curious q-analog in connection with q-Weyl algebra and the 2D-Hermite polynomials.
As application we derive a generalization of Touchard-Riordan formula for
crossings of chords joining pairs of 2n points on a circle and a new Kibble-Slepian type
formula for the 2D-Hermite polynomials, which extends the Poisson kernel for these polynomials.

Combinatorics around two extensions of Hermite polynomials. 자세한 내용은 본문 참조

NIMS 콜로퀴움

연사: Jiang Zeng(Universit&eae; Claude Bernard Lyon-I)

일시: 2015년 6월 18일(목)

장소: 국가수리과학연구소 CAMP 중형세미나실

Title: Combinatorics around two extensions of Hermite polynomials

We will highlight two examples of the interplay of combinatorics and
orthogonal polynomials by considering two recent one-parameter extensions of Hermite polynomials:
a curious q-analog in connection with q-Weyl algebra and the 2D-Hermite polynomials.
As application we derive a generalization of Touchard-Riordan formula for
crossings of chords joining pairs of 2n points on a circle and a new Kibble-Slepian type
formula for the 2D-Hermite polynomials, which extends the Poisson kernel for these polynomials.

Combinatorics around two extensions of Hermite polynomials. 자세한 내용은 본문 참조

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